Board Policy Manual
Board Schedule

The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Greenwood Leflore Consolidated School District will be held Tuesday, April 2, 2024 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at 1901 Highway 82 West, Greenwood, MS 38930.
Tue Apr 02 02:46 PM

A Special Called Meeting and Work Session of the Board of Trustees of Greenwood Leflore Consolidated School District will be held Thursday, March 21, 2024, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at 1901 Highway 82 West, Greenwood, MS 38930. The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on this meeting notice. Unless removed from the consent agenda and placed under discussion / action, items identified within consent agenda will be acted on at one time with no discussion. Special Called Meeting Agenda: 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INVOCATION 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. REGULAR AGENDA 4. CONSIDERATION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION 5. ADJOURN If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in an executive session, the Board will conduct an executive session in accordance with the Mississippi Open Meetings Act, (MS Code Section 25-41-1 et seq.). Before any executive session is convened, the presiding officer will announce publicly that the Board is going into executive session and give the reasons therefore. The notice for this meeting was posted in compliance with the Mississippi Open Meetings Act on March 20, 2024.
Wed Mar 20 04:30 PM

All GLCSD schools and offices are closed due to weather.
Mon Jan 15 11:00 AM
2023-2024 Board Members

Ms. Alice Hilliard, Secretary